Use Of The ED Certification Mark(s) and/or Accreditation Mark(s)
The ED Certification Mark/s
- may only be used whilst the quality system is maintained and the registration remains valid;
- may be used only in conjunction with your organization’s name and/or Logo on stationery, literature and publicity material;
- shall not be used on a product or affixed in any way that may be interpreted as denoting product certification or conformity.
Note: For certified companies/laboratories whose activities include provision of a test and calibration service, the “product” is interpreted as including test and calibration reports.
- may not be used until permission has been granted by ED. The applicant agrees that the Certification mark will not be used, nor any representations be made about certification until permission has been granted by ED and that, if certification is granted, the Mark will be used according to the Certification Agreement.
The ACCREDITATION BODY Accreditation Marks
Organizations that have been granted certification through one of ED ACCREDITATION BODY accredited certification programs are entitled to use the ACCREDITATION BODY mark. The rules for the use of this mark are governed by ACCREDITATION BODY and are reproduced to show how the ACCREDITATION BODY mark may be used in conjunction with the ED certification mark(s). The Quality Management System Mark has been used for demonstrating how the ACCREDITATION BODY mark may be used in conjunction with the ED marks, however, the guidance provided applies equally to the use of the ACCREDITATION BODY mark with any of the other ED certification marks from our ACCREDITATION BODY accredited certification programs.
Specifications for the ACCREDITATION BODY Mark
The ACCREDITATION BODY Mark can be reproduced in the colours detailed in the email directly to the client. Under no circumstances can the Accreditation Body Mark be reproduced in a colour combination at variance. However, the Mark can be reproduced in any single colour to conform with your existing stationery.
How the ACCREDITATION BODY Mark may be used
In all cases the ACCREDITATION BODY Mark must appear in the proximity of the ED certification mark. Certified organizations using the ACCREDITATION BODY Mark must ensure:
that it is used in conjunction with the organizations name or mark;
- and the ACCREDITATION BODY Mark and the ED mark are represented in a manner that the relationship between the ACCREDITATION BODY Mark and the ED Mark is obvious.
ED has the rules governing the use of any statement on product packaging or in accompanying information that the certified client has a certified management system; not the product is certified.
- Product packaging considered as that which can be removed without the product disintegrating or being damaged.
- Accompanying information is considered as separately available or easily detachable.
- Type labels or identification plates are considered as part of the product.
- The statement shall in no way imply that the product, process or service is certified by this means.
- The statement shall include reference to:
- identification (e.g. brand or name) of the certified client;
- the type of management system (e.g. quality, environment) and the applicable standard.
- the name of ED.
a) Statement of certificate cannot be made on product .
b) Statement of certificate can be in packaging provided packaging is not integrated to the product.
c) Statement of certificate can be only to the packaging which is detachable or an accompanying information, but the statement shall contain, name of the client, standard, name of CB.
d) Statement of certification can’t be made on the label or on the identification plate which is attached to the product to its life.