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ED certification acts impartially and avoids any conflict of interest that may compromise its ability to make impartial decisions in carrying out its certification activities.

ED certification shall ensure:

  • To carry out management system certification activities in a non-discriminatory manner.
  • There are no constraints that might influence decision making by upholding the principles of impartiality.
  • That it does not engage in any activity which could compromise its impartiality.
  • That it does not participate in the designing, implementation or maintenance (including internal audit) of the management systems of its certification customers and shall not have been engaged in such activities in the two years prior to the client’s receipt of ’s certification services.

All personnel involved in the certification operations are committed to understanding this policy, complying with the principles and documentation, and maintaining continued competence.

If any personnel from our management is involved in any management system related assignments other than certification process, we will confirm to all impartiality related requirements and ED certification will not engage with those organizations for any kind of certification process.

All empanelled auditors, trainers and IC committee members have signed the impartiality and conflict of interest adherence agreement that says, there will be no consultancy, internal audit or training to be provided to the clients of ED certification for a period last two years.

It is understood by the ED certification that it is required to evaluate its systems, procedures and practices from time to time to ensure that impartiality in its certification is maintained. Parties with an interest in the certification services of certifications are invited, by this policy, to submit any proposals, comments or relevant observations on the services of ED certification, such that these may be considered as part of its evaluation process for continual improvement.