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Certification Process

Certification is a process of audits and monitoring that verify compliance. Our process is simple and transparent to our clients. Certification to a management system demonstrates to your customers, suppliers, staff and investors that you are committed to being the best you can be. ED certification partners with you to devise the right certification program based on your organization’s particular needs and priorities. This means determining which management systems to audit, and for how many sites.


  • Receiving the enquiry through the application form.
  • Evaluating the client.
  • Conducting feasibility /capability study.
  • Conducting estimation with regulatory requirements.
  • Preparing the proposal based on the estimate.
  • Submission of proposal and signing the contract with contractual agreement.

Prior to each audit, exchange of information between client and certification body is essential.


The pre-audit is an optional audit that evaluates your management system against specific requirements of the standard to which you are seeking certification. ED certification provides a report detailing its findings.

Planning of the audit

  • Planning the audit programme
  • Selecting the audit team.

Audit programme will be communicated and confirmed with the client prior to the audit initiation.

Stage 1 Audit

ED certification conducts a document review to confirm the readiness of the management system for a stage 2 audit through an initial assessment based on the criteria determined.

Transfer the certification:

To keep the confidence of interested parties, you need a trusted certification body. We’ll help you transfer to us quickly and easily. After reviewing the reports and current certificate and ED certification will issue the Certificate.

Combined Assessment Certification:

If you have two or more management systems, we can integrate assessment so that it falls on the same time, minimizing disruption to your organization, and saving you money.

Stage 2 Audit

The stage 2 process is to assess the management system to understand the implementation level and provides a detailed report with findings including positive identification, non -conformities if any (any gaps from the criteria of the audit will be considered as non-conformities), observations /potential non-conformities and opportunities for improvement. All such gaps can be filled within the stipulated timeframe.

Initial Certification Decision:

There will be an impartial review of findings and decision after the conformance of assessment which assures the issuance of the certificate.

Maintaining the certification:

It is essential for you to focus on the compliance to the management system through the continual improvement to continue the benefits of the certification. You may choose to use our I-compliance tool to confirm the compliance without any gaps and hindrances in your journey.

Post Certification Services by ED certification:

You will receive the certificate based on the management system selected. Certification marks to use on your stationeries. Guidance to use the certification mark.

Annual Surveillance Audit:

There will be two surveillances in a certification cycle. A certification cycle is 3 years. Each surveillance audit shall be conducted in an year from the initial decision date of the certification.

Impact on not conducting surveillance audit on time:

Non conducting the surveillance audit within the last due date will lead to the suspension of the certificate and failure to go for the audit within suspension time will lead to the cancellation of the certificate, which will revoke the certification and ED certification has the right to take back the certificate and announce on the website.


Completion of the full one cycle of certification shall lead to the recertification audit, which helps the initial validity to retain the management system.

Recertification Audit process will happen in every 36 months from the initial decision date. This shall be done before the expiry of the certificate.

Chances of Suspension, withdrawal, cancellation or reinstating the certificate of approval:

There are chances of suspension, withdrawal, reduction, extension, cancellation of the approval of the certificate at any time due to various reasons.

In case of any misuse of the certification may lead to the suspension or withdrawal or cancellation of the certificates.

In case of identifying the scope is complying with the management system during the course of certification may lead to reduction of the scope. In case of adding the new areas to the actual initial scope may lead to extension of the scope.

Failure to any of the above will lead to the withdrawal/cancellation of the certificates and successful compliance within the timeframe will lead to the reinstating the certificates.